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Deploying a Validator

In this tutorial, you will learn how to deploy a validator on the network and perform various tasks related to staking, registration, and validation.

Step 1: Registering a Validator

To register a validator with a specific tag, use the following CLI command:

import commune as c
c serve vali::whadup network=subspace # deploys a validator to review the network
c register vali::whadup # defaults to (netuid=0 subnet=commune key=module)

If you want to register with another key

c vali register tag=sup subnet=commune key=vali::whadup

To check the status of the validator, use the following command:

c call vali/module_info"vali/module_info")
'key': '5GN545yeaTEuzDEoD6EXPi4qFqQCABKNnsUyJfDHFYWzfmQi', # key of the validator
'name': 'vali', # name of the module
'address': '', # address of the validator
'emission': 6.440794074, # emission to the validator
'incentive': 0.0, # incentives to the validator
'dividends': 0.005676356145571069, # dividends (rewards) to the validator
'last_update': 377547, # last update of the weights
'stake_from': [
['5GN545yeaTEuzDEoD6EXPi4qFqQCABKNnsUyJfDHFYWzfmQi', 48.812576334],
['5CaWWhTk4D7fphZvjFHKyuaCerqe7uJm3EGNrynGzKczSBNP', 592.049591244],
['5ESGbQnTo9RnHEdDpuCYcYDXAAVwHST6dZZ4b5c9JbVr2T3B', 107.994213725],
['5EZtFXi8nT6cy55oqCsnsd2Za59PLBVSP9BSjzQEAgh3Pz8M', 0.188784108],
['5GZBhMZZRMWCiqgqdDGZCGo16Kg5aUQUcpuUGWwSgHn9HbRC', 403642.241103174],
['5EU6rPCkVbPkDJrDhgTmqzu5fpXXKjAdahUYjxKXWZ2U6Q8C', 2.27846803],
['5F4sToiPYnbWkg795ryvY5iAVrgDKrpPZv53gaYWEVHHeuKC', 0.002085575],
['5CPRaN54kf2cdFauG76kFepE4PeYTc2ttkF4VzF2GCxGaehb', 22322.431257368]
'delegation_fee': 50, # delegation fee
'stake': 426715.998079558 # total stake to the module

Staking Your Validator

Ensure that you have staked your validator by following these steps:

  1. Stake your validator with another key using the CLI command:
# stake 200 tokens to the validator using the key=module (default key)
c stake 5GN545yeaTEuzDEoD6EXPi4qFqQCABKNnsUyJfDHFYWzfmQi 200 key=module


c.stake("5GN545yeaTEuzDEoD6EXPi4qFqQCABKNnsUyJfDHFYWzfmQi", 200)

NOTE: The default key is the module key, so you don't need to specify it. If you want to use a different key, you can specify it, as shown in the example above.

# sends 200 tokens to the validator
c stake 5GN545yeaTEuzDEoD6EXPi4qFqQCABKNnsUyJfDHFYWzfmQi 200 key=vali::whadup

The default amount to be staked is your entire balance. If you don't have a balance, you'll need to unstake.

  1. If needed, you can unstake by using the following command:
c unstake 5GN545yeaTEuzDEoD6EXPi4qFqQCABKNnsUyJfDHFYWzfmQi 200 key=module


c.unstake("5GN545yeaTEuzDEoD6EXPi4qFqQCABKNnsUyJfDHFYWzfmQi", 200, key="module")
  1. Updating Your Validator To update your validator, use the following command:

You can update your module's following parameters:

  • delegation_fee: The delegation fee for the validator.
  • name: The name of the validator.
  • address: The address of the validator.
c update_module vali::whadup delegation_fee=10 name=vali::whadup2

Updating Multiple Validators at Once

Sometimes your validators go offline and reserve on a different port. This is not common but when it happens, you can update all of the servers at once using the following command: The following command updates all of the servers at once:

c update_modules search=vali

To update multiple validators at once to a delegation_fee of 10 , use the following command:

c update_modules search=vali delegation_fee=10