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The key is a sr25519 key that is used to sign, encrypt, decrypt and verify any string or message. We can also replicate the key to other chains through using the same seed to generate the other keys. This means you can have one key instead of multiple keys for each chain, which is more convenient and secure.



c add_key alice

key already exists at alice

'crypto_type': 1,
'seed_hex': '518fad1043efc934a759334215ef54d48e1f8836355ed864bbb797f90ecb32b7',
'derive_path': None,
'path': 'alice',
'ss58_format': 42,
'public_key': '7cd0e327f4f6649719158892dafe766a5efd0185cb5fe17548d294f00f12661b',
'mnemonic': 'quantum belt rival casual benefit obscure sight wool pupil jaguar guide mango',
'ss58_address': '5EtMr6n6APFay8FFdhhP9sMPwvv1Nfcm5yxiRTxviHH4WVZg'

Now this generates a random key and if you want to save it to a file you can do so like this.



c add_key alice

'crypto_type': 1,
'derive_path': None,
'path': 'alice',
'ss58_format': 42,
'mnemonic': 'quantum belt rival casual benefit obscure sight wool
pupil jaguar guide mango',
'ss58_address': '5EtMr6n6APFay8FFdhhP9sMPwvv1Nfcm5yxiRTxviHH4WVZg'

Refreshing existing key

c add_key alice refresh=True

To list all the keys you can do so like this.



c keys alice


To search for your keys you can do so like this. The search term finds all of the keys that contain the search term.

c keys ali 

Save Keys

To save the keys to a file you can do so like this.

c save_keys

This saves the keys to a specific path in the config file. You can also specify the path like this.

To sign a message you can do so like this.

key = c.get_key("alice")

Original (Substrate) signature output :


hexadecimal (bytes):




String Output

This is a string that contains the data and signature. The separator is used to mainly distinguish the data from the signature.


Signature Tickets for Temporary Tokens

In the ticket the timestamp is taken, and the separator is ":🎫:".

such that the format is timestamp:🎫:signature

by calling


the alice key signs the current timestamp and returns the ticket.


now to verify the ticket you can do so like this.


to get the signer


To create a temporary token you can do so like this.

Temporary Tokens using Time Stamped Signatures: Verification Without Your Keys

This allows for anyone to sign a timestamp, and vendors can verify the signature. This does not require the seed to be exposed, and can be used to identify key likely to be the same person. The only issue is if the staleness of the timestamp is too old. This can be adjusted by the vendor.

Key Management

In this tutorial, we'll explore the usage of the commune Python package for managing keys, balances, stakes, and key statistics.

Listing Keys

To start, let's list all the available keys using the keys() function:

c keys



Adding and Removing Keys

You can add and remove keys with the following steps:

Adding a New Key

To add a new key, use the add_key() function:



c add_key fam

Getting Key Info

You can also retrieve key info using the key_info() function:

c.key_info('fam')  # Replace 'fam' with the key name
'crypto_type': 1,
'seed_hex': '6a363df4c2b7eaeb0b13efedbd37308d2bda3be8bc8aa758ecc00eb3089f7b97',
'derive_path': None,
'path': 'fam',
'ss58_format': 42,
'public_key': '38199493328ca2224364c77204ee61008a9cab5a8246906201357ef056b82142',
'ss58_address': '5DLG8wM2beoHcveKEXxuh2NRgh55vRRx8b1PE4Ch3ZE8fndL',
'mnemonic': 'typical piece chair oven lift trap case current tomorrow wrap motor

Removing a Key

To remove a key, use the rm_key() function:

c.rm_key('demo')  # Replace 'demo' with the key you want to remove

Saving and Loading Keys

You can save and load keys for future use:

Saving Keys

To save the keys, use the save_keys() function:

c.save_keys(path='./keys.json') # save the key mnemonics to this file

Loading Keys

To load the saved keys, use the load_keys() function:



Retrieving Balances and Stakes

You can retrieve balance and stake information for a specific key:


To get the balance for a key, use the get_balance() function:

c.get_balance('fam')  # Replace 'fam' with the key name


c balance fam

Get stake of the Key

To get the stake for a key, use the get_stake() function:

c get_stake fam # Replace 'fam' with the key name or the address
c.get_stake('fam', netuid='text')  # Replace 'fam' with the key name

Get Registered Keys