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Stake Tokens

To stake on a module, you can use the following commands:

c.stake(module=5HYnok8FmBEx9AekVUPzff9kW7ymyp9mrucQTeqTLfJoHu1S, amount=100,  key='module')

Unstake Tokens

The following unstakes 100 tokens from the module with the address 5HYnok8FmBEx9AekVUPzff9kW7ymyp9mrucQTeqTLfJoHu1S The default key is the root key (module) and the default netuid is 0 (commune).

c.unstake(module=5HYnok8FmBEx9AekVUPzff9kW7ymyp9mrucQTeqTLfJoHu1S , amount=10, netuid=0,  key='module')

Unstake 100 tokens from the module with the name model.openai This uses the name2key function to get the key from the name.

NOTE: Please note that is is always more secure to use the address as the key, as the name can be changed by the user, and you can accidentally stake the incorrect key if your name2key is not up to date.

c.unstake(module=model.openai, amount=100, netuid=0, key='module')

Stake Many

To stake multiple modules at once do the following

c.stake_many(modules=[model1,model2].amounts=[10,20], netuid=10)

or if you want to specify the same amount, just do the amounts as an integer

c.stake_many(modules=[model1,model2], amounts=[10, 10], netuid=0)

Unstake Many

To stake multiple modules at once do the following

c.unstake_many(modules=[model1,model2], amounts=[10,20])

or if you want to specify the same amount, just do the amounts as an integer

c.stake_many(modules=[model1,model2], amounts=10)

List Your Staked Modules

c staked search=vali netuid=1
    dividends                    stake_from    delegation_fee          stake    vote_staleness
11 vali.text.truthqa::commie1 0.016297 836737 5 1543452 49
50 vali::project_management 0.014511 821491 100 835445 47
47 vali::stakecomai 0.014252 793614 20 814443 85
32 vali::comchat 0.018128 614167 5 963592 3
58 vali.text.realfake::commie 0.015503 608276 5 932424 49

Transfer stake from one module to another, if you don't specify the amount, the default is the entire stake towards the module

c transfer_stake vali.text.truthqa::commie1 vali::project_management amount=0.01 # default netuid=0