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We live in a multichain world and we intend to build a future towards an economy of many chains. Each chain has its own unique characteristics and serves a specific purpose. The chains are interoperable and can communicate with each other. This allows for a more efficient and scalable system. The chains can be public or private, permissioned or permissionless, and can be customized to meet the needs of different applications.

Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC):

Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) is a protocol that allows different blockchains to communicate with each other. This enables the transfer of assets and data between chains, creating a seamless experience for users. IBC is a key component of the multichain ecosystem and is essential for enabling interoperability between chains. Because we are a substrate chain, we needed to use the rust implementation of IBC and alter it into a pallet to include into a future runtime upgrade. This runtime upgrade will take place by the end of may 2024 to june 2024.

Trustless Bridges for Trustless Liquidity

Trustless bridges are a key component of the multichain ecosystem. They allow for the transfer of assets between chains without the need for a trusted intermediary. This enables trustless liquidity provision and decentralized trading across chains. Trustless bridges are secure, transparent, and efficient, making them an essential tool for the multichain economy. We have implemented trustless bridges in our multichain ecosystem to enable seamless asset transfer and trading between chains. This allows users to access a wide range of assets and liquidity pools across different chains, creating a more vibrant and diverse ecosystem.