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A server is a module that is converted to a http server.

To deploy a server

c serve model.openai::tag
'success': True,
'name': 'model.openai::tag',
'address': '',
'kwargs': {}

The server can be called in several ways

c call model.openai::tag/forward "sup"
"hey there homie"

The name of the endpoint is formatted as


with the data being a json request in the format of the following

Viewing Available Servers

You can view the available servers using the servers() method:


Viewing Server Logs

To view the logs of a served module, you can use the logs() method:

c.logs('demo::tag1', mode='local')

Connecting to a Served Module

You can connect to a served module using the connect() method: The following calls the info() function of the demo::tag1 module:


Restarting and Killing a Served Module

You can restart or kill a served module using the restart() and kill() methods:

c.restart('demo::tag1')  # Restart the module
c.kill('demo::tag1') # Kill the module

Where the args and kwargs are the positional and keyword arguments of the function and the timestamp is the timestamp of the request. The signature is the signature of the data using the user's private key.

"data" : "{'args': [], 'kwargs': {'a': 1}, 'timestamp': 1713911754.136804}",
"signature" : "59rcj4fjdjiwjoijveoivjhowuhveoruvherouvhnerouohouev"

The Access Module

The access module is a module that is used to restrict access to other keys based on the stake and user permissions. Commune has admins and users. Admins can call any function, while users can only call whitelisted functions. If the key is local, then the user can call whitelist functions at any rate. This can be disabled, but is not recommended as leaking any key information can be dangerous if any key on your local machine is compromised.

  1. Verify Address using the Signature and Data by the user's public key's private key

  2. Verify the Timestamp staleness was within the last n seconds (2 seconds)

  3. Verify the user identity, whether the function is callable (whitelist or blacklisted) or if the user is an admin.

if user is admin
return True
if function is in whitelist and not in blacklist:
if rate < max_rate(user):
return True
return False
return False

Whitelist/Blacklist Functions

If you want to restrict access to a module, you can use the whitelist and blacklist functions. These functions are used to restrict access to a module based on the user's role. Only Admins can have access to all functions in a module and there is by default one admin per commune (computer). The admin can add other admins if needed.

Anyone who is not the admin can be assigned a role. They also must only call functions that are whitelisted for their role.

To add a user to a role, use the add_user function. For example, to add a user to the admin role:

c.add_user("5DUdqShkPzzVDYGznZJQ92xP8cdp5BTt9XSrgMDMgHRArRyY", role="admin")

To add a user to a custom role:

c.add_user("5DUdqShkPzzVDYGznZJQ92xP8cdp5BTt9XSrgMDMgHRArRyY", role="custom_role")

Default Whitelist Functions

The default whitelist functions are the functions from the Module class. These functions are available to all users by default. The whitelist does not require a blacklist of any functions as at the moment.


whitelist = ['info',
'fns'] # whitelist of helper functions to load

blacklist = []

Stake Per Rate: Stake Based Rate Limiting

We do stake based rate limiting by having a stake2rate variable that determines the number of calls per minute by dividing the total stake by the stake2rate variable.

To see the module

c access/filepath # for the path
c access/code # for the code


Admins are the ones who can do anything on a computer and from outside a computer. They have all access to the commune's functions and can add other admins. There is by default one admin per commune. Admins can add other admins if needed.



c.add_user("5DUdqShkPzzVDYGznZJQ92xP8cdp5BTt9XSrgMDMgHRArRyY", role="admin")

To add a custom role

c.add_user("5DUdqShkPzzVDYGznZJQ92xP8cdp5BTt9XSrgMDMgHRArRyY", role="custom_role")

To remove an admin, use the remove_admin function.


To see all users

'5CfWRdKjT5cUjSnpZA7xuW3a3qsXWkisbqrCrBky3L12Wc8R': {'role': 'admin'},
'5GZBhMZZRMWCiqgqdDGZCGo16Kg5aUQUcpuUGWwSgHn9HbRC': {'role': 'admin'},
'5DUdqShkPzzVDYGznZJQ92xP8cdp5BTt9XSrgMDMgHRArRyY': {'role': 'admin'}

To see the user2role mapping

c user2role
'5CfWRdKjT5cUjSnpZA7xuW3a3qsXWkisbqrCrBky3L12Wc8R': 'admin',
'5GZBhMZZRMWCiqgqdDGZCGo16Kg5aUQUcpuUGWwSgHn9HbRC': 'admin',
'5DUdqShkPzzVDYGznZJQ92xP8cdp5BTt9XSrgMDMgHRArRyY': 'admin'

To get the roles per users

c role2users
'admin': ['5CfWRdKjT5cUjSnpZA7xuW3a3qsXWkisbqrCrBky3L12Wc8R', '5GZBhMZZRMWCiqgqdDGZCGo16Kg5aUQUcpuUGWwSgHn9HbRC', '5DUdqShkPzzVDYGznZJQ92xP8cdp5BTt9XSrgMDMgHRArRyY']