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A subnet is a collection of modules. To register a subnet, you need to specify the subnet parameter to a unique name you want to call the subnet.

The following registers a storage subnet

c vali register tag=first subnet=storage


c register vali::first name=storage

To create a custom vali, create a module that has a score function. The score function should return 1 if the module is successful, and 0 if it is not. You can also create a custom vali that has a score function that returns a score between 0 and 1.

import commune as c

Vali = c.module('vali')

class MyVali(Vali):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):

def score(module):
scores a module 1 if it return successful, and 0 if not

# this is a virtualized client that connects to the remote module

info =
if isinstance(info, dict):
return 1
return 0

Subnet Parameters

To get the subnet parameters

c subnet_params netuid=10

When you register a subnet, the default parameters are as such.

tempo (int)

  • the number of blocks between each epoch before the votes are calculated

immunity_period (int)

  • the number of blocks before a module can be removed from the subnet due to having the lowest score

min_allowed_weights (int)

  • the minimum allowed weights a module can vote.

max_allowed_weights (int)

  • the maximum number of weights a module can set during voting.

max_allowed_uids (int)

  • the maximum number of modules that can exist on the network.

min_stake (int)

  • the minimum stake of a module

founder (str,ss58_address)

  • the founder of the subnet, which can change the parameters during authority

founder_share (int) (min=0, max=100)

  • the percentage of the emission the founder gets from the chain

incentive_ratio (int) (min=0, max=100)

  • the percentage of emissions that goes towards incentive (miners)

trust_ratio (int) (min=0, max=100)

  • the percentage of votes that are weighted as trust (number of modules that vote for you), in addition the voted stake.
  • for example, if 10 of 100 people vote for you and the trust score is 100, then you get 10/100 score. If someone else has twice as many models that vote for them, they get twice the score (20/100).
    • having a high trust score means that stake is weighted less, but forces people to get the most votes from the network
  • if trust is 0, then the votes are entirely based on stake
    • having a low trust means that the votes are more stake based, and are linear with stake.

vote_threshold (boolean)

  • only applicable during vote_mode=stake

vote_mode (str) Options[authority, stake]

  • determines the voting mode for parameter changes of the subnet
  • if vote_mode is authority, then the founder can only update the subnet
  • if vote_mode is stake, then a proposal is made and the amount of stake within the subnet needs to reach 50 percent.


  • self voting allows modules to vote for themselves.


  • the name of your subnet


  • the maximum amount of stake a module can have
'tempo': 1,
'immunity_period': 40,
'min_allowed_weights': 1,
'max_allowed_weights': 420,
'max_allowed_uids': 4096,
'min_stake': 0,
'founder': '5DJBFtDLxZ3cahV2zdUzbe5xJiZRqbJdRCdU3WL6txZNqBBj',
'founder_share': 0,
'incentive_ratio': 50,
'trust_ratio': 0,
'vote_threshold': 50,
'vote_mode': 'authority',
'self_vote': True,
'name': 'subspace',
'max_stake': 1000000000000000

Updating a Subnet (Authority)

As the authority you can redefine any parameter within special global boundaries (see global docs).

As an Authority

The following allows an authority to make a change to the network, you dont even need to specify the key, as it checks if you have the key on your system.

c update_subnet name=wadup tempo=10 key=authoritykey netuid=10

Updating a Subnet (Authority)

As a democratic system

c propose_update_subnet name=wadup tempo=10

Then to vote for the proposal

c vote_proposal id=10 key=myvotingkey

To unvote a proposal

c unvote_proposal id=10

Emission Calculations

The calculations are based on the stake that is on your subnet. The more stake on your subnet, the better.