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Profit sharing and emissions

Trustless Emission Profit Sharing

Each module can profit share its own emission by specifying the fraction of emissions it wants to split across any key. This allows for any module to profit share its emission with any other key (even if its a module).

keys = ["5E2SmnsAiciqU67pUT3PcpdUL623HccjarKeRv2NhZA2zNES", "5ERLrXrrKPg9k99yp8DuGhop6eajPEgzEED8puFzmtJfyJES"]
shares = [0.5, 0.5]
c.add_profit_sharing(keys=keys ,shares=shares, netuid=0)

Voting on the Network if someone is staked to you, you can vote on the network. This is done by voting for a module. This can be done by voting for a module.